Fuller Research: College Transition Project
The Center for Youth & Family Ministry (CYFM) at Fuller Theological Seminary is trying to better understand the characteristics of youth groups that are associated with a healthy transition to college life and help youth workers develop those qualities in their youth groups. Currently, CYFM is engaged in two 3-year longitudinal studies with over 350 students from around the U.S. with the goals of understanding the dynamics involved in the transition to college life and discovering what components of students' youth group experiences helped them make that transition. Eventually, this research will be translated into resources that youth ministries can use to help students and families better navigate the transition to college. Periodically, CYFM reports on their research and offers reflections on some of the implications for youth workers. The latest article is very helpful. You Make the Call: What College Freshmen Need to Hear from their Youth Pastors, explains how making a simple phone call to college students can go a long way. The article also reports on some of the other findings from the study. This article is well worth the read and will hopefully make the rounds in youth ministry circles. In my humble opinion, CYFM's College Transition Project is the most important study being conducted on transitional issues. I can't wait to see the end result of this study in the next three years!
off-topic... sorta.
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